Asoftech Automation v.3.1 Asoftech Automation records all operation of mouse and keystrokes and saves them as macros.

Test results are saved in a database for future printing/viewing. Alpha, alphanumeric and numeric (10-key) testing modules included. Data Entry Test 2004 v.5.0 Assess data entry skills, rating both speed in keystrokes per hour (KPH) and accuracy.Ideal for Tablet PCs or situations where a keyboard is not always available. Convert awkward keystrokes to single mouse clicks. QuickButtons v.1.61 QuickButtons lets you make Buttons and AppBars to Simulate Keystrokes and Run Applications.Advance Keystrokes Recording Tool v. Computer monitoring tool record keyboard activities like email, print activity.Send Keystrokes v.3.7.6 Build 214 A useful plugin for Accurate Printer Monitor.Remote Keystrokes Monitor Tool v. Undetectable keylogger captures all keystrokes along with visited URL screenshot.Keystrokes Monitoring Tool v. Monitoring utility trace all keystrokes record password website E-mail addresses.Advance Keystrokes Recorder v. Advance keystroke recorder tool secretly captures all keystrokes and screenshots.